Sex trafficking is big business. Girls of all ages are enslaved, brainwashed, beaten, raped and humiliated daily. Most people who fight for the freedom and rehabilitation of these sex slaves are ordinary people who work to make a difference and speak for the voiceless. These people follow their hearts to do what they can in small and big ways so that one day people can beat sex slavery and be free.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Gift of Music

I started working on this documentary project last fall. Many things have fallen into place fairly effortlessly so far.  We did our first day of filming just 2 weeks after I first had the vision for this project. I quickly experienced overwhelming encouragement.  I am extremely grateful for these gifts of friendship and support fueling the fire of my passion for this film. 

One of my favorite gifts offered to this project is the gift of music. I am a complete music fiend, and I'm a bit of a music snob on top of that.  Music is one of the most important pleasures in my life, and the one thing I tend to splurge on when my budget is tight. I say all this to illustrate why I am immensely grateful for the generous gift to this film by my talented friend, Ryan Adcock. Shortly after we did our first day of filming I ran into Ryan and impulsively asked him if he'd write a song for this documentary about sex slavery.  And that's about all I said...something to the effect of, "Hey, I'm making a documentary about sex slavery. Will you write a song for it?"  That simple. And without hesitation he said, "I'd love to." I am thrilled and humbled. Seriously. 

When I spoke with him a few months later he hinted that he'd write more than one song - whatever I think the film needs.  And he's not asking for a dime. Seriously.  What a huge blessing! I can't express how grateful and honored I am to know this man and call him a friend. Now I just need to make this a great film to be a fitting resting place for his great songwriting gift.  

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